Mod Gamepass Sold!
Admin Gamepass Sold!
Head Admin Gamepass Sold!
Owner Gamepass Sold!
Best System!
Our system is able to snipe/upload condos across roblox/discord platforms,
and unblacklist our condos after latest patches from roblox.
and unblacklist our condos after latest patches from roblox.
You can have admin commands in every condo made by us when you buy a gamepass, also if site crashes your gamepass will not be affected!
Best Quality!
We try and snipe the best quality condos for your best experience!
Project Del, has unlimited Animations + Morphs for you to use and have the best experience!
If your caught Exploiting/Abusing?
We don't take kindly to anyone Exploiting or Abusing Admin commands, if you our caught doing this you will be blacklisted and won't be able to join our condos and condos from other servers!
Discord server!
Join our discord to meet other players of our condos or even talk to owners!